Thursday, October 9, 2008

New Painting

Here is a painting I have been working on. It's still in progress, but you can get an idea on the direction it is taking. I'm doing something a little bit different on this one by using right angles and implied squares. I am thinking of how dappled light through a window looks on an interior wall.

I've been thinking about my artist statement and about what I would say about this series of paintings. I've written a couple, but they never feel quite right. While I was working on this painting I was thinking about how I work and what my intentions are. This is difficult because my painting is much more intuitive than deliberate but I had an idea on how to put this process into words. Here is what I have so far.

"My process for almost everything I do is very organic. I don't like to plan too much. i create a little unfinished elements and then I put them away in a box in my closet. Sometimes I'll put them up on my wall, and stare at them for a while and then put them away. I like to take these elements out, from time to time and put them together in different arrangements. Sometimes these arrangements will inspire me to create another element or an entirely new painting. Sometimes I will fix these elements together on a canvas and paint over them. My paintings can take months or even a year as I stop and watch what happens on them. I find little spontanious moments that almost seem to be telling a story. Each painting is a very personal history of self exploration and at the same time it becomes a relationship between my viewers and I as they find their own reflections within the canvas. It is my quiet personal way of speaking/ relating to others in a way that is beyond words to that way of mind when we were all children, before we understood words."

I am also looking into having slides made of my paintings so that I can apply for juried art shows. I found this place called Art Works in L.A. that will make professional slides of your work for about twelve dollars a piece. This might sound expensive, but if you order five or more slides then it will only cost about four dollars a slide. I'll talk more about my experiences with Art Works once I have tried their services.

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